For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Does the COVR lens flip up? Is it a mirror?

The short answer to your question is no, the lens is not a mirror and does not flip up. BUT, if quality photography is important to you, you don’t want it to fold flat. I gave a lot of time, thought, and research to the collapsible mirror idea and in the end I moved away from it for a few different reasons. First, there are already patents filed for just that type of idea. Second, I was a photojournalist for 20 years and a high quality image matters to me at the end of a day of shooting. Using a mirror rather than high-grade prism is a significant downgrade in quality. While it might have seemed like a cool concept in the package, and would have cost me way less then the prisms I’m using, I just couldn’t poor my heart and soul into something people would soon find was less than great after they bought it. As well, trying to keep the mirrors clean is hard, and the popup design meant that if stuff like pocket lint and finger prints got in there - and it does - you were either going to have to clean the mirror every time you took it out of your pocket or just relent to the idea that your pictures were going to look crappy and have hair and lint specs on in you cherished moment picture. And another thing, the mirrors I was looking at were all distorting the images - meaning that everything was much closer than you are used to when using your iPhone camera. So, after reviewing and testing a mirror, I was all done considering the flip up mirror option. Last updated: Fri, Apr 4 2014 1:16 pm EDT

Is the lens too pointy or sharp to carry the COVRPhoto case in your pocket?

The way I’ve set the prism on this particular case is far less noticeable then caring your keys or wallet in your pocket. I understand that it has the ‘appearance’ of feeling awkward in your pocket, but it actually doesn’t at all. As I was studying and working on the design with my engineers, I started watching people and how they put their phones in their front or back pockets. What I learned is the overwhelmingly vast majority of people who keep their phones in the pants pocket, put the screen face side inward against their skin. That’s when I realized I instinctively do that too and the reason being as I have and instinctual phobia of cracking my screen and so does just about everyone else. The prism, which sits just under 1/2” high from back of the iPhone to tip, is always pointing out away from us and not jabbed into our leg, Now that’s still doesn’t make it a perfect design feature if people are concerned how it might feel. However, I would rather have to work on that issue in future designs then have people buy my product and wind up with crappy pictures they can’t ever replace. Last updated: Sun, Apr 6 2014 11:49 am EDT

Can COVR Photo case work in landscape mode too?

Right now you can only shoot vertical (portrait) mode. However, I’ve already drafted and patented a design for a Pro-line of COVR Photo cases that will allow you to shoot both portrait/vertical and landscape/horizontal. There are a few technical challenges to do this, so we will be working on future designs once we complete our Kickstarter campaign and deliver all the rewards. I really appreciate questions so thank you for asking. Last updated: Thu, Apr 3 2014 2:31 pm EDT

How do you clean the lens?

There is a felt seal between the lens and the camera prism that helps to keep that interface clean. When you slide the lens forward over the However, the front face of the lens can get dirty and need occasional cleaning just like any other lens. There are no small spaces for lint and dirt to build up, so a quick wipe of the front face of the lens and you are good to to. Last updated: Tue, Apr 8 2014 1:10 pm EDT

Will you be making a COVR Photo case for Android or Windows phones?

Great question. I would LOVE to make the COVR Photo Lens Case for Android and I am seriously wanting to break the picture taking barrier from iPhone to Android. The problem is the Android phone makers are always moving the camera somewhere different with each phone. With some of these phones, it isn’t feasible to make a COVR Photo case for them due to technical issues - the camera lens is in a location that you can’t even use our type of lens. However, we are looking at several Android and Windows phones to determine which ones would be good candidates for a COVR Photo case. I’m actually hoping some Android users back this project even at our $25 level (get a signed 5x7 print) just so I have the capital to start working on the solution - I am super driven to be the first guy to find a really good solution to build a COVR Photo Lens Case for Android. Last updated: Thu, Apr 3 2014 2:45 pm EDT

Will you be making a COVR Photo case for the iPhone 4/4s?

We started out the COVR project working with an iPhone 4/4s and have a prototype done. We we’ll need to create the tooling, molds, manufacture and all the details that go along with it. We are considering offering a 4/4s version if we see a demand for them and have the financial backing. This may possibly become a stretch goal . . . . Last updated: Fri, Apr 4 2014 12:40 am EDT

Will there be a COVR Photo case for the iPhone 6?

We would love to - but it isn’t released yet. As soon as the iPhone 6 is released Apple will provide the technical details to the developers and we will look at making a COVR case for it. We just cannot promise anything until the 6 is available. Stay tuned . . . Last updated: Tue, Apr 8 2014 12:34 am EDT

How do I order the COVR Photo case?

When you click on the “Back This Project” button near the top right side of the page, you will be able to pledge a any amount you wish. Through Kickstarter and Amazon payments, you can topre-order COVR Photo case by choosing one of the rewards and proceeding through to make your commitment to payment via Amazon. Your credit card is only charged at the end of the campaign once we have met our funding goal. Last updated: Tue, Apr 8 2014 1:10 pm EDT

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: October 2014

Last Updated At: 10/06/14 | See Kickstarter Update
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